What to do if your dog is missing

Losing a pet is a very stressful time, but there are a few things you can do to help your furry friend come home safe and sound.

Report the dog missing with your local pound and vets

It is a good idea to leave your details with your local pound and vets in the area as they can keep an eye out for any strays that are brought in that match your description. Pounds are very busy places so we strongly suggest you keep an eye on their online galleries and physically visit the pound just to be safe.

The power of Facebook/Instagram

Facebook can be a very powerful tool if used correctly. There are numerous lost and found pages and groups all over Facebook, some concentrating on certain suburbs, areas or the whole of NSW. Private messaging or posting on these pages/groups is a good way to get your pets details out into the community for free. It is very important to include as many details as possible, such as location you last saw your pet or where you live, multiple contact numbers, age, breed, gender (including desexed or not), colour, size and a clear well lit image of your pet.

Put up posters

Although this method is a little outdated, this is still a good way for people who are not on Facebook to see that your pet is missing. Again include a contact number, a good photo of your pet, age, breed, gender, colour and size. Be thoughtful of where you place your posters, most business won’t mind having an A4 sign in their window but always ask first.